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EMAIL US: hudsonbelting@gmail.com

HORACE ORVILLE HUDSON was a Pioneer Belt Manufacturer who is the namesake of our company. He was born September 10 1839 in Lynn Massachusetts son of Nathan Hudson He died in this city May 10 1907 and is buried in Hope Cemetery.
He purchased the business of Peter Goulding & Company, which was established in 1854, and a few years later, changed the firm name to H. O. Hudson & Company. Mr. Hudson and Henry W. Mason joined together to form a partnership and grow the company. When Mr. Mason retired from the business some years later, he was succeeded by Mr. Hudson's son, Fred M. Hudson.

FRED MARSHALL HUDSON was born at Worcester, MA, April 9, 1867.
His first official position was in the Bookkeeping and Shipping Department of his father's factory. He took the position temporarily and intended to study later to fit himself to be a mechanical engineer. But he became interested in the manufacture of leather belting as his knowledge of the work increased, and he decided to make it his business in life. He then worked steadily through the various departments, learning every detail, until at the end of several years of steady progress he became Superintendent of the plant.
In 1903, the business was incorporated under the name of the Hudson Belting Company and Fred Hudson took reigns of the company. Mr. Hudson designed three special machines for his factory, which are still in use today!